Thursday 15 December 2011

Other Blog

I have another blog, that i will be posting things i do in my spare time :)

the link is below

Monday 12 December 2011

Stuff ive done with my free time

Here i have used photoshop to colour in an image i have found on google images

Stuff i've done in my free time

Here i used photoshop, to colour in a image i found in google images

Something i've done in my free time

During my free time ive made this on photoshop. I found the image, that was just a line drawing, on goggle images, then used photoshow to add in the colour.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Thursday 3 November 2011

Lego Model Based Animation

Here is another example of a model based animation but using lego

Model Based Animation


Model Based Animation

Model Based Animation is where an animation is created by using models, but theses are moved bit by bit, and a picture taken for each move,  which takes up time.

The next post will be an example of Model Based Animation.

Cel Based animation

Tom and Jerry Cel Based Animation

Cel Based Animation

Cel Based Animation, is made by using a team of people. Someone will draw out the picture, then a clear film is placed over, where a second person will trace the picture and insert ink to it, then someone will turn the film over and paint over that with ink, then is taken over to a registration board and is taken as a picture. 

The next post will be of an example of Cel Based Animation.


Pixilation, is where people are used instead of models, to create the animation. But it is done by taken a number of pictures, but using people, you can make them pose. 

Cut out Animation

Cut out animation, is were pictures are cut out of magazines/newspapers etc... and are moved by you, bit by bit, to create the animation. 

Monday 17 October 2011

Digital Graphics

Here i have coloured in a dragon by using photoshop. to create it, i used several layers, and each layer was for a different colour and area of the dragon, and each was set to mulitply so the detail would show though.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Pixilation video :)

Stop Motion Animation - Pixilation

Today in stop motion animation, we have been doing Pixilation. In my group - Emily Tatters, Chelsea Sudron and me, have a first draft. 

The video will be put up, within the next post :)

Stop Motion Animation - Cut Out Animation

Our Cut Out Animation work :)

Thursday 6 October 2011

Stop Motion Animation

Cut Out Animation

Today in Stop Motion Animation, we started on our Cut Out Animation - Me, Emily Tatters, Adam Angell and Daniel Charlton. 

We used iStopMotion to create the animation. we created it by moving the pieces of the animation, bit by bit at a time. 

In the next post you will see the first draft of the video. 

Thursday 29 September 2011

Stop Motion Animation

Today in stop motion animation we did: we looked at different cut out animations, then posted a video from vimeo on here, then we started to cut out different pictures from magazines within out groups; then group i am with is: Emily Tatters, Adam Angell and Dan Charlton. 

Stop motion animation

This is a video from Vimeo, of a cut out animation


Monday 26 September 2011

Persistence of Vision

Over fifty years ago, a certain number of writers had pointed out,that the long-quited mechanism thats for motion perception in cinimas "persistance of vision". Its an effect thar us usually attributed to a 'defect' of an eye.

Many film writers were (some still not) aware of/or unconvinced by it.

'Persistence' has a meaning, it seems, that we don't preceive motion pictures, though any kind of persistence, thats either in the eye or in the brain.

"The apperance of a continuously visible series of images, in other words, is a phenomenon distinct from the appearance of motion" Bill Nichols abd Susan J. Lederman

Thursday 22 September 2011

Stop Motion Animation

This is a Time Lapse of me Emily Tatters and Adam Angell


Time Lapses

Today in Stop motion Animation, we were doing Time Lapses.

A Time Lapse is when a series of pictures are taken after a certain amount of seconds of each other.

This is a time lapse that i like. Not my time lapse.

Enjoy :)

Faster in France from MadSeven on Vimeo.