Thursday 29 September 2011

Stop Motion Animation

Today in stop motion animation we did: we looked at different cut out animations, then posted a video from vimeo on here, then we started to cut out different pictures from magazines within out groups; then group i am with is: Emily Tatters, Adam Angell and Dan Charlton. 

Stop motion animation

This is a video from Vimeo, of a cut out animation


Monday 26 September 2011

Persistence of Vision

Over fifty years ago, a certain number of writers had pointed out,that the long-quited mechanism thats for motion perception in cinimas "persistance of vision". Its an effect thar us usually attributed to a 'defect' of an eye.

Many film writers were (some still not) aware of/or unconvinced by it.

'Persistence' has a meaning, it seems, that we don't preceive motion pictures, though any kind of persistence, thats either in the eye or in the brain.

"The apperance of a continuously visible series of images, in other words, is a phenomenon distinct from the appearance of motion" Bill Nichols abd Susan J. Lederman

Thursday 22 September 2011

Stop Motion Animation

This is a Time Lapse of me Emily Tatters and Adam Angell


Time Lapses

Today in Stop motion Animation, we were doing Time Lapses.

A Time Lapse is when a series of pictures are taken after a certain amount of seconds of each other.

This is a time lapse that i like. Not my time lapse.

Enjoy :)

Faster in France from MadSeven on Vimeo.