Monday 4 March 2013

Codes and Conventions in Corporate and Promotional Programming

In this assignment I am going to be talking about the codes and conventions in corporate and promotional programming. I will also be talking about the legal and ethical issues when creating a production. 

When doing a corporate video you need to consider different codes and conventions. They are used to create the promotional video. It's role can be to promote a product to the audience or to inform the audience about something. With promoting a product to the audience the video needs to be entertaining and wanting. To inform the audience about something, it can be heart breaking for the viewer as it can make them want to do something about that situation.

There are different codes and conventions to consider. These are:

  • Voice Over: Some promotional videos, have a voice over. This is done to get the audiences attention, and normally replaces the music. But a voice over can be used for those who are blind, as it can be informative for them, which is a good reason for a voice over. But also in a promotional video there can be small sections of voice over, which could keep the audience interested as the voice over can say small interesting facts.  
  • Sound: Sound in a promotional video can be very important. Without sound in a video it can be very dull and hard to follow or to stay interested in. But the sound can also be people talking, trains going past, etc... 
  • Music: Many promotional videos have music running though instead of sound or a voice over. It can be something really simple or something really elaborate. It can be used to keep the audience entertained. But some companies can use the sound track from a song for there promotional video, and by using that sound track it will be recognised by audience and keep them interested in the video.  
  • Camera Angle: Different camera angles can make the video interesting  For example with having different types of angles, some moving some not it make the video very different and entertaining. 
  • Camera Motion: Is the motion fast,slow, medium? Depending on what type of promotional video you are to create depends on the speed of the camera. Many promotional videos are slow and smooth. The cameras motion between clips and smooth, which makes it easier to edit.  
  • Presenter: Is there going to be a presenter on the video? Is he/she going to be the voice over that is seen between clips? This can be interesting for the audience because some videos that show people in them it can be very interesting for them as it can draw there attention. 
  • Company Logos: Many promotional videos from different companies  tend to show the companies logo at the start and at the end or mainly at the end. This can promote the video because, the audience might not see the whole video, so with having a logo on the video it can show that they have a new product out. Also it can bring popularity to that company. 
  • Camera Distance: How far or close is the camera going to be to what you want to film?   Different distances can show a good effect to the video, as it can be appealing to the audience with having different distances can show different effects.  
  • Mood: What is the mood for your promotional video? With you doing a promotional video your mood for it can be what ever you want, depending on the audience. If you where to do a video to promote lights, you might want to have the mood set quite romantic, for the lights so they would stand out more. 
  • Text and Titles: This is mainly for your credits. But some promotional videos, have text throughout them. This can be naming who is speaking or for prices of an item etc...
  • Research: Research is very important. This is to make sure no one has done a video like the one you want to do, as that can be copyright or plagiarism. 
  • Editing: This is so you can cut out that wobbly camera shot or add in the best shots. Also when you are editing you can add in your text.
When you are doing your promotional video, you need to think of what equipment you are going to need. For example:

  • Camera(s): This is the most obvious piece of equipment you are going to need. Without it how are you going to film your video? 
  • Tripod: To make sure that your camera doesnt wobble, use a tripod. This is because, when editing it makes it easier because the shots arn't wobbling about, but also it makes you look profesional. 
  • Boom mic: Are you filming outside? When filming outside it is best to use a boom mic. This is because the fur around the mic catchs any sound that isnt needed, for example: the wind.
  • Microphone: Are you filming inside? To get the voices that you may require your better off using a microphone that works inside, because your in a enclosed space so there will be no wind to muffle your sound. 
  • Computer: You would need this to upload your footage. Then with it being on the computer your ready to edit. 
  • Editing software: There are different types of editing software you can use to create your promotional video. But with the software, you can make the shots sharper, colour grid them etc...
Now I am going to talk about four different promotional videos, explaining why they catch there target audiences attention, and what codes and conventions are used in them. 


Here is a promotional video from Apple, introducing Siri.  Siri is a voice on your phone that you can talk to to set reminders, check the weather, time in a different country etc... Why does this appeal to the target audience? One it targets the blind, because the blind can use Siri, to use there phone. I think this is a good idea because it can make them feel like everyone else by having a phone. Another reason is because when you are busy going for a jog or cooking with your kids, you can get Siri to set/book what you need. It has text and titles at the start and finish. This is to tell you what the product is, and shows you who it is from. There is a consistent voice over from the people who are shown in the video, this is to show what you can do with Siri. There is also a backing music to go with the voice overs. There are different camera distances, some are close ups and medium waist shots on the people in the video and there are close ups on the IPhones.   

This is a promotional video to help spread the effects of child abuse. The main audience for this is people who are against child abuse, but also it can be people who can't have children and want to help others. What the video shows is the children overhearing things there parents say, and shows the effects it can do. It has text and titles, which asks the audiences to do something about child abuse. It has the NSPCC's logo at the end to show who is doing the adverts. There is a voice over which is from the children, but it has no music which makes it more emotional with just having the children's voices. The camera angles are quite close up on the children, which can make the audience very emotional as it makes you want to do something.

The target audience for this video is those that are interested in games. It has people negotionating on which is better, the red or the blue. It has text all the way though in the bottom left hand corner which is the twitter hastag. There is a consent voice over from the people who are shown in the video, but there is also a quite backing track to go along with the video. What also makes the video interesting is that at the end it tells the views to vote on Facebook either red or blue as there are five of each colour console to be won, which makes the view want to vote as they then have a chance of winning one. 

One thing that instantly makes this video appealing is that it has Ant & Dec on it, which are two faces that everyone recognises.The video is both funny and informational, which gets the point across. It has text and titles in the video as it has the names of the people who the views wouldn't know on it, and it shows who the video is for at throughout and to ensure that the viewer knows who it from it has the Morrisons logo at the end. What also makes it appealing is that its backing track is from one of the most successful bands on the Earth - Take That. It also has a voice over, but in the voice overs it is fun to watch as they bring up things like the hair style the Mullet from the fish that Ant picks up, but also it shows Ant teasing Dec on the boat saying "he's a bit green around the gills" which makes the video funny as it has them both being them selves. 

When doing a promotional video you need to consider the legal and ethical issues. Some of these include: 

  • Regional race: You need to ensure that you don't insult someone regional race. As this can get you in trouble, which could cause you to end up in a court of law.
  • Violence: Many promotional videos have been banned from the TV as they show scenes of violence. 
    Here is an example of a promotional video that was banned due to violence. Even though the woman is only head butting the man it is still a class of violence, children and even teenagers who drink 7Up see that video they might try to copy what they see. 
  • Sexual content: If this was in a video Ofcom would also take this of the air. This can cause parents to complain if there children see a video that contains a sexual content, because they may be concerned that there children might copy it. For example Skittles, made a video a few years back, which involved a married couple on there wedding night, and all off a sudden the male starts spraying skittles into the woman's mouth. This was taken off because of the over the top sexual content. 
  • Abuse: There are videos out there asking for help to stop abuse all over the world, but videos that contain abuse of any nature are instantly banned by OfCom, as it can cause the audience distress, and children could copy what they see.
  • Legal acts: When creating a promotional video you need to follow the legal acts. Some of these include: Under 18's act - If you want to use children that are under the age of 18 in your video, you need written consent from the parent or guardian. If you don't get written consent and you just get it from the mouth, they can take you to court and say you didn't ask for there consent, even if you did. Because you need it on paper and them to sign it, so if they did try to take you to court and you have written consent you cannot get in trouble.   

1 comment:

  1. Searching the market for an explainer vid for my website and came across 2 companies I liked and that were in my budget range. Anyone have suggestions for promoshin over explainmysite? Reasons why?
    video production johannesburg
