Thursday 22 March 2012

Stop Motion Animation - Finished Animation

Here is my Finished animation, of David Bowie with Life On Mars? in the background.


  1. I like your animation of David Bowie dancing to life on mars. i can see that your animation is a musical base animation. with watching your animation the content of your animation fits in well with the genre of a musical as your animation consists of a model of david bowie dancing to his song life on mars. i have never before seen an animation where the model spins its head which i find to be a very creative idea. i like the techniques you used to make david bowies head spin as well the microphone in his hand. if i had to say on how to improve it make sure someone isn't in the background. but a very good animation.

  2. I thought the idea of the animation was good, but I thought there was a fair bit of camera movement, and it was a bit short. However I still thought the animation was good, just maybe a little tweaking is needed to make it great.

  3. i think that it was a good model animation and it worked quite well even though the lips did not move. it could of been better if the camera stayed in the same position and the back ground filled the screen. also it would haven been good it it was a bit longer. good work non the less
